Eine Kamera ist auf eine reflektierende Glasscheibe gerichtet.


All current DZIF news can be found here.

Masernimpfvirus als Vektor

Measles-based vector vaccine protects mice against influenza A (H7N9) virus

Researchers of the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI) and Philipps-Universität Marburg used the "recombinant measles virus" vaccine platform to test vaccine

Several silver-coloured bioreactors with many connecting tubes and control screens used for fermentation and production of active agents.
© HZI/Prof. Dr. Marc Stadler

Clinical development of two antimicrobial agents funded by Else Kröner-Fresenius Foundation

The Else Kröner-Fresenius Foundation's ForTra gGmbH for Research Transfer—the largest medicine-funding foundation in Germany—supports the legally compliant production of new drug candidates for direct

Prof. Wedemeyer and Prof. Cornberg stand next to each other. Together they are holding a laboratory book in their hands. A laboratory can be seen in the background, slightly blurred.
© MHH/Karin Kaiser

New weapon against hepatitis D

In a multicentre phase 3 trial, researchers at the MHH have demonstrated the efficacy and safety of the drug Bulevirtide, which prevents Hepatitis D viruses from entering the liver.

Infection with

Illustration of a mouse surrounded by: Bacteria-containing capsules; red and green agar plates with bacterial colonies smeared out and test strips and platelets; DNA sequence comparison behind; and the words "Antibiotics", "Microbiome", and "Evolution".
© MvP-LMU/Bärbel Stecher

How the gut microbiome responds to antibiotics

Antibiotics affect the composition and dynamics of the gut microbiome. Treatment with antibiotics not only leads to a loss of biodiversity of microorganisms, but also often favours the selection of

Schematic structure of BTZ-043 with three six-membered rings and side chains.
© Florian Kloß

Leibniz active agent of the year 2023 is a tuberculosis antibiotic candidate

The drug candidate BTZ-043 has a novel mechanism of action and belongs to a new class of substances. Discovered at the Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology (Leibniz-HKI

Transmission electron microscopy image of spherical cytomegalovirus virions grown in tissue culture. The virions are digitally stained blue.
© CDC/Sylvia Whitfield

A virus lurking in the connective tissue

It was previously believed that herpesviruses use certain body cells to replicate and other body cells to remain dormant, that is to remain inactive for a longer period of time. This dogma is now

Beige coloured rapid antigen test with an opening for sample drops as well as a viewing window in which up to four green stripes become visible if one to four resistance factors are detected in the sample..
© Coris BioConcept

A rapid diagnostic test to detect multiple resistance determinants against the important carbapenem antibiotics

Every year at least 700,000 people die as a result of infection with antibiotic-resistant bacteria—a figure which according to WHO forecasts could rise to ten million people by 2050 without new

Blurred net-like structures are visible on a blue background. The nodes of the net structure are coloured red. The logo of the DZIF Academy is shown at the top left and the icon of a certificate can be seen on the right of the image.
© hunthomas/Adobe Stock

Apply now: DZIF Prize for Translational Infection Research 2023

The German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) is again offering the DZIF Prize for Translational Infection Research. Scientists can apply to the DZIF Academy until 15 August 2023. A prize of 5,000

© Fusion Medical Animation

Infection with common cold coronaviruses can trigger broad cross-immunity against SARS-CoV-2 proteins

Researchers at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf have demonstrated cross-reactive immune responses to another SARS-CoV-2 protein besides the spike protein. The research team found a


European initiative INCATE: Phase II funding of a start-up for the development of antimicrobial proteins

The incubator INCATE (INCubator for Antibacterial Therapies in Europe) was founded by a consortium of academic institutionsincluding the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF)and industrial