Eine Kamera ist auf eine reflektierende Glasscheibe gerichtet.


All current DZIF news can be found here.

Blue banner of the AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform in the bottom part of the image; abstract depictions of microbes and drug capsules in red, blue, grey and white
© AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform

Call for actionable steps in response to the rising threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the top global public health and development threats. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), an estimated 4.95 million deaths were associated with

Prof Ulrich Kubitscheck, Jan-Samuel Puls, Dominik Brajtenbach and Dr Fabian Grein (from left to right), all in white lab coats, photographed as a group in the lab.
© UKB/Rolf Müller

Lantibiotics: antibacterial substance with new mechanism of action discovered

Many bacteria produce substances to gain an advantage over competitors in their highly competitive natural environment. Researchers at the University Hospital Bonn (UKB), the University of Bonn and

A female health care worker in a red KCCR T-shirt stands in the centre of a circle of around 50 standing and sitting women, men and children in a square surrounded by a few houses.

Zero maternal mortality in 2023 at Ghanaian cooperation hospital

The Presbyterian Hospital in Agogo, Ghana, recorded zero deaths among women during or after childbirth last year. This is a major medical success after 499 fatalities in 2020. The hospital management

From left to right: Prof. Luka Cicin-Sain, Head of the "Viral Immunology" Department at the HZI; Adhara Madhuri, PhD student at the HZI; Henrik Klimke, Chairman of the Günter Hansmeier Krebsstiftung.
© HZI/Schwenner

Doctoral project researches immunotherapy of CMV infections in children with leukaemia

Leukaemia is the most common cancer in children. Cancer treatment severely weakens the children's immune system and they can easily develop opportunistic infections. One of the most common causes of

Schematic representation of the molecular blockade of the NTCP receptor by bulevirtide
© DZIF/Universität Heidelberg

Mechanism of action of the hepatitis B and D virus cell entry inhibitor bulevirtide deciphered

Over 12 million people worldwide suffer from a chronic infection with the hepatitis D virus. This most severe viral liver disease is associated with a high risk of dying from liver cirrhosis and liver

Tuberculosis therapy
© scienceRELATIONS

Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis

Antibiotic resistance is one of the challenges facing mankind in the 21st century. This includes antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis. Just in time for World Tuberculosis Day on 24 March 2024, the

The cartoon illustration shows a semi-circular arc of medication capsules in different colours on a blue background and a lung with eyes, a smiling mouth and the words "YES! We can endTB" and "End TB" in a coloured circle.

World Tuberculosis Day on 24 March 2024 under the motto "Yes! We can end TB!"

While tuberculosis (TB) has become relatively rare in Germany and other industrialised nations, around ten million people contract the bacterial infection every year, especially in resource-poorer

DZIF mourns the death of Professor Tobias Welte

Professor Tobias Welte, a scientist at the German Center for Lung Research (DZL) and the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF), died on Sunday after a short, serious illness. We are deeply

Prof. Dr. Anna Hirsch und Dr. Walid A. M. Elagher
© HIPS/Hartman

Breathing easy thanks to new antibiotics

New active substances for the treatment of resistant bacteria are needed more urgently than ever – yet only few candidates make the leap from research to clinical application. To facilitate precisely

© Universität Tübingen / Paul Mehnert

Therapeutic vaccine for chronic hepatitis B enters clinical trial

TherVacB, a novel therapeutic vaccine to combat chronic hepatitis B, entered the first clinical trial. The vaccine was designed and developed under the leadership of Helmholtz Munich. This phase Ia